Bring Your Own License vs. DevPay License pricing

Hello, I’m having a hard time determining which licensing model would be most cost effective for me, “Bring Your Own License”, or “DevPay”. I’m currently using DevPay but wondering if I should switch. Here are some details:

-I’ll be running one m1.small instance for the foreseeable future

-The server will be running continuously

Here is what I was charged last month:

Total bandwidth downloaded (Gigs): 1436.899

$/Gig: 0.12

Bandwidth download $: $ 172.43

Streaming server running hours: 744

$/hr: $ 0.15

Total cost of streaming server: $ 111.60

Monthly streaming server fee: $ 5.00

Does it make sense to stay with DevPay?



If you assume 6.5 cents per hour for an m1.small instance, $55 per month for the Wowza licence, and factor the same cost for data transfer, seems you’d save roughly $13 per month.

Actually I think transfer charges are marked up slightly for the devpay AMIs, which is how the license is paid for.


Seems so, comparing those charts. My assumption is wrong or the chart is wrong. I will check.


In all cases, the total cost would be calculated as:

(hours * hourly rate) + wowza license cost + data transfer fees

If I’m not mistaken, there is no difference in data transfer pricing between devpay and non devpay installations, so your data transfer costs would be the same regardless of how you license.

So, if your wowza license cost plus your Ec2 instance cost boils down to less than 15 cents per running hour, you’ll save a bit using your own license (but in the end, it doesn’t seem like much of a savings, and you’ll need to maintain your own AMI or manually install Wowza when you create a new instance)

Actually I think transfer charges are marked up slightly for the devpay AMIs, which is how the license is paid for.


Seems that the pricing for data transfer listed on and are identical. Is there something I’m missing?

Thanks Jay. I’ve I get a reserved instance I can get the hourly rate down to $0.039 per Hour. How does the pricing per channel work? I have 5 inbound streams and that will soon go up to 10. How would that affect that price?
