Hello Wowza,
I have few questions regarding on pricing on wowza, base on this https://www.wowza.com/pricing wowza transcoder cost $20 per instance, how does transcoder instance work? is it same as wowza instance? coz there was a time we enabled transcoder and and cost us too much:
Description -------------------------------- Usage Period------------------------------ Units--------------------------------- Subtotal
Monthly Transcoder Channels-------------06/05/2014-07/04/2014----------------------18-------------------------------------$316.00
i am confuse on how transcoder pricing and instance works coz basically we only used 1 wowza instance and on the invoice they charge us 18 units of Monthly Transcoder Channels , hope someone can clarify this to us, and btw we used CDN for our playback.
Hello there,
In the case of Transcoder, and “instance” is a Transcoded stream.
Pricing is cumulative as you add instances. For example, if you run 11 instances, you pay:
$20/month x 4 (first 4 instances) = $80
$18/month x 6 (next 6 instances) = $128
$16/month x 1 (next 10 instances) = $16
For a total of $224. That would be added to the $55 monthly Wowza server fee.
I hope this helps explain it.
Kind regards,
Yes, you can explore the option of a perpetual license:
Wowza Streaming Engine Perpetual Edition
Kind regards,
ohh thank you so much really helps :), is there any way for us to pay fixed price? coz right now we offer free streaming service and we got more than 20 streamers at time so it would cost us too much since we will going to pay on each transcoded stream 
Ok i will read further, Thanks for your speedy response, I appreciate it