WowzaStreamingEngineManager Login Failure

I am trying to upgrade my old Wowza with a new one, the new Web based manager looks great but I can’t connect to it. I tried adding a wildcard to the whitelist, tried putting “none” in the AuthenticationMethod, tried stopping starting services, restarted server and still can’t get connected. I get the error: "Could not connect to server: " I tried it both as localhost, and specifying it in the “Wowza Streaming Engine URL”.

Checking the log files I realized I installed Wowza 4.0 and the license key I have isn’t valid. I am getting that updated and not sure this particular problem would have anything to do with that but I mention it just in case. There are no other errors in the log.

Any help would be appreciated.

<Root version="1">
                <Name>Wowza Streaming Engine</Name>
                <Description>Wowza Streaming Engine is robust, customizable, and scalable server software that powers reliable streaming of high-quality video and audio to any device, anywhere.</Description>
                        <!-- none, basic, digest-->
                        <!-- Objects exposed through JMX interface: Server, VHost, VHostItem, Application, ApplicationInstance, MediaCaster, Module, Client, MediaStream, SharedObject, Acceptor, IdleWorker -->
                <!-- JMXUrl: service:jmx:rmi://localhost:8084/jndi/rmi://localhost:8085/jmxrmi -->
                        <IpAddress>localhost</IpAddress> <!-- set to localhost or internal ip address if behind NAT -->
                        <RMIServerHostName>localhost</RMIServerHostName> <!-- set to external ip address or domain name if behind NAT -->
                <UserAgents>Shockwave Flash|CFNetwork|MacNetwork/1.0 (Macintosh)</UserAgents>
                        <!-- Properties defined are used by the Manager -->
                <!-- Properties defined here will be added to the IServer.getProperties() collection -->

This question is being addressed in support ticket #80245.

For more information about how to get your FREE upgrade to the new Wowza Streaming Engine 4.0 version, please see

If you are a subscription edition licensee, you should have received your 4.0 subscription key sent by email sent to your account’s primary contact. For perpetual edition license holders, see the above ink for the upgrade process. For questions about receiving your version 4.0 license, please contact

You will need to do a full install to upgrade to Wowza Streaming Engine 4.0. The full installer is available at

For step-by-step instructions for upgrading, see the Upgrade Guide,

If you’d like to try Wowza Streaming Engine prior to upgrading, download a FREE Trial license from

Thanks Tim, so I assume that means that it is a licensing issue. I was hoping to be able to do all the performance tuning while waiting but guess it can wait a little longer.
