Wowza Streaming Engine stops several times a day

We upgraded the Wowza Media Server to the Wowza Streaming Engine this year and found that the server stops serving video a few times a day. People that try to play the videos get the error message “Error loading stream: could not connect to server”.

Here’s a link to where the video player lives:

Only by logging into the server and issuing the command “service WowzaStreamingEngine restart” does it come back to life for a little while, but shortly stops again.

Another symptom is that the Wowza Streaming Engine Manager link reports “Webpage not found” and doesn’t even work after a server restart.

Can anyone help me to troubleshoot this?

Hi Jedirick,

If you haven’t done so already, can you post this to which will generate a ticket and we can look further into this. Please also include the following:

  • A ZIP file containing your conf/, logs/, transcoder/ and manager/logs folders. If you are not sure how to get this information please see the following tutorial. Please do make sure you provide logs which show Wowza server starting.

  • If you have a live stream please outline the type of encoder in use along with the encoding settings for the stream. If you are using a .stream file to start restreaming please provide this.

  • If you have a on demand stream you may be asked to provide access to the content you are using for further testing. At this stage it is not required.

  • If you are using multiple bitrates (ABR) then please provide the SMIL file associated with your configuration.

If you have already opened a ticket please post the ticket nbr here for us to reference.

Kind regards,


You guys always asks for ZIP file. But log file size is going more than 500Mb, how can anyone send.
often wowza streaming engine stops. couldnt able to check log files also. wowza never give solution for these kind of posts

Because there is a long list of reasons that could be causing the issue and not just one or two things. it could be your server memory, you need a Heap dump, bandwidth, frames per second, too high of bitrate, the streaming URL configuration, firewalls, the video or audio chunk size going to Wowza or out to the player, the encoder settings, Java tuning, Engine optimization settings etc.

Typically it tends to be a lack of resources or memory available. Have you checked what capacity you’re running at for CPU? We tend to recommend you don’t go over 80% or you won’t have enough and Wowza manager or Engine could crash and require a restart.

We need to review your Engine files based on what version you’re on and the full logs to accurately diagnose. I can suggest this article that has helped people with this though although I cannot guarantee that’s what happening:

Let me ask about how you send zip files that large and I understand what you mean by files that large- be back shortly.

I asked tech support about the zip files for you @vinoth_kumr:

“We can provide a OneDrive upload link or they could use an online drive such as Google Drive, then provide us a downloadable link.”