Wowza memory usage increases steadily, eventually runs out of memory


Troubleshooting a memory issue on or Wowza server that eventually causes the server to run out of memory. Streams suffer as a result.

Occurrences are mostly inconsistent. Sometimes the server will run for days/weeks without issue, however, last week there were two occurrences within a 24 hour period.

RAM utilization is consistently above 60% with 1 inbound RTMP and 5-6 outbound RTMP streams. No transcoding, packetizers not in use are disabled. Only HLS, RTMP and RTSP are enabled.

Server has 16GB RAM. Activity Monitor shows Java process consistently consuming between 9 and 13GB.

Current settings:

Performance Tuning>Java Settings

Custom Level Heap: 8000MB

Java Garbage Collection Settings: G1 (Garbage First) Collector

Thank you.


Hello there.

Please read through the posts in this thread for answers related to your question. At the end of which, Jason_H gives instructions on what information the support team needs when opening a ticket.

Wowza Heap and Memory is getting full

Kind regards,



This issue will now be handled in the created ticket (#147532).




For others reading this thread, this problem was resolved when updating the Java version.

Wowza Streaming Engine was configured to use Java 1.6 and when updating this to Java 1.8 the issue was resolved.



Thank you Salvadore. I will package the log files and submit a support ticket right now.

Looking at the memory graphs, it seems garbage collection is working properly, I see the heap usage fluctuating but utilization by Java process is consistently high.


Thank you Jason.
