Dear Wowza Community & Support Team
I am using Wowza 4.1 and after enabling HLS and MPEG-DASH Wowza is crashing all the time.
We have about 300-500 incoming streams. Memory and CPU are still available and not full but wowza crashes.
Do you have any idea what can cause that issue? 
Thank you for your time and help
best regards
For this issue, it may be best to send an email with your servers information to our Support Team so we can analyze the files.
Please email the following information to Support.
- A ZIP file containing your [install-dir]/conf/ and [install-dir]/logs/ folders. If you are not sure how to get this information please see the following tutorial.
Best regards,
You can certainly increase without restriction. The undesirable side effect is normally longer garbage collection pauses on larger heap sizes.
With the G1 garbage collector in place, that should lessen the effect. You can try a larger size and see if there are any such pauses. Long pauses are
obviously not desired WRT streaming.
One thing you could try before creating a ticket with support, would be to reduce the chunk duration and the number of chunks stored in memory.
Please see the following articles for instructions on how to edit the packetization for Apple HLS and MPEG-DASH.
How to configure Apple HLS packetization (cupertinostreaming)
How to configure MPEG-DASH packetization (mpegdashstreaming)
A restart of the application(s) you’re editing is required for the changes to take effect.
Checking the error log in Wowza may also give you a good idea why Wowza would be crashing.
Is it possible that the Java Heap of 10GB is to less to host hundrets of streams. Because if we consider 500 streams and take 6mb per stream for HLS and 6mb for MPEG-DASH.
We have 500x12mb = 6GB of RAM needed plus RTMP needs also RAM.
Dear Jason,
Thank you for your prompt reply but i have some further questions.
Do you know why there is a limit of 10GB in Heap size?
Because for a 64-bit JVM running in a 64-bit OS on a 64-bit machine, is there any limit besides the theoretical limit of 2^64 bytes or 16 exabytes?
So what does prevent me from setting the heap size to 20GB?
I just don’t unserstand why there is a heap size of 10 GB for Wowza.
If i have 500 streams incoming with 12,5 MB each clients that is only 6,2GB of heap space just for MPEG Dash.
So consider you are using HLS also so you have additional 6,2GB on top. ( so we are here @13 GB now so 10gb of heap size will not be enough) without the memory need of RTMP streams.
Is Wowza designed to handle that amount of incoming connections?
Is it possible that the Java Heap of 10GB is to less to host hundrets of streams. Because if we consider 500 streams and take 6mb per stream for HLS and 6mb for MPEG-DASH.
We have 500x12mb = 6GB of RAM needed plus RTMP needs also RAM.