Java memory heap

Hello, I have a problem with increasing Java memory heap, the 10 GB limit and the wowza server stop.

as temporary solution I need to increase the memory to 20 GB

but a message:

There are problems with the information you entered. Correct the problems listed below and try again.
Java Heap Size must be between 512MB and 10GB.

Thank you for your help

This will be past the Wowza Streaming Engine Manager limit on what can be set and you’ll need to add these values in the Server.xml located in:


Change this:


to this:


For 96 GB of RAM I would recommend a 24 GB heap. This will need to be set in the Tune.xml located in:

Change this:


To this:


Save and restart the Wowza Streaming Engine service for changes to take effect.

If the above settings do not help, please submit a support ticket and the engineers will walk you though it. Hope this helps you.

I andd

and restart the wowza, the following message:

Wowza Streaming Engine Manager could not connect to the Wowza Streaming Engine service(http://localhost:8087). Verify that the Wowza Streaming Engine service has started and is running.