Is there a way to set an SRT stream target to a local port for a remote server to pull SRT from that port ? I believe it’s a listener mode ? There is a service that can pull only not push to a port.
I tried sending to a local port and failed sending data to socket failed: -1. Socket: SRTCallerSocket [remoteIpAddress=, remoteAddressPort=4000, srtNativeSession=2420690612256, srtSocketReference=1065648722, localPort=6990, sessionContext=PushPublishSRT[streamTargetContext=webrtc-merger/room2/AYZ8a0thBE5IyI2h-merger_room/AYZ8a0thBE5IyI2h-merger_room_srt, remoteAddress=localhost:4000]: , bound=true, settings=[SRTO_PBKEYLEN:16, SRTO_LINGER:0, SRTO_SENDER:true, SRTO_RCVSYN:false]]