Hi Salvadore and thank you for your interest in my problem.
I explain again my problem with two examples :
- video_01 : video duration : 05:22, start playing from : 0, playing duration : 120 seconds ( 2mn)
- video_02 : video duration : 03:55, start playing from : 0, playing duration : 120 seconds ( 2mn)
- video_03 : video duration : 11:40, start playing from : 0, playing duration : 120 seconds ( 2mn)
- video_04 : video duration : 07:07, start playing from : 0, playing duration : 120 seconds ( 2mn)
- video_05 : video duration : 06:13, start playing from : 0, playing duration : 120 seconds ( 2mn)
I used 120 s instead of 100s to simplify calculation to better understand the situation 
1 - working example ( I got what I want ) :
- It’s 09:58:00, I open my player and connect to rtmp://localhost/playlist to play my stream ( stream name : stream_01 )
of course I got NetConnection.Connect.Success, and the player is waiting to playlist that will start in 2 mn ( 10:00:00 - 09:58:00 = 00:02:00 ).
At 10:00:00, the player starts ( automatically ) playing my first video ( video_01 ) from 0.
At 10:05:00, I open another player ( like the first one ), which starts playing video_03 from the second 60 ( 00:01:00 of 00:11:40 )
=> 10:00:00 + ( video_01 : 00:02:00 of 00:05:22 ) + ( video_02 : 00:02:00 of 00:03:55 ) + ( video_03 : 00:01:00 of 00:11:40 )
=> 10:00:00 + 00:02:00 + 00:02:00 + 00:01:00 = 10:05:00
I got what I want, all people watching the stream will have the same moment of the (fake) live whatever their connection times.
2 - not working example :
- At 10:05:00, I open, for the first time, my player and connect to rtmp://localhost/playlist to play my stream stream_01, but instead it starts the second 60 of the video_03, it starts playing the first video ( video_01 ) from 0 !!
My conclusion : Either there is a bug in wowza (I think this is the most propable) or wowza server-side playlist can not be a fake live !
I hope it’s clearer now, thank you for your help.