First, Sorry for my low english !.
Recently I have download your software to test in my hosting server.
I have proved the “video on demand” and it me works correctly.
But that we need is a kind of Web TV. One channel that emits a programming of continued videoes, and that the user when he connects a my Web TV, visualizes that in this moment is emiting.
We have one project “video on demand” www.telegim.tv ( Free online gym ), that work correct, but we would like create this new version ( similar a one chanel of TV ).
Our videos already are in our hosting in FLV or MP4, and they do not have to return to be codified.
Is it, possible create this similar Web TV with some method with Wowza Media Server ?. The native RTP method it is only for live camera, no ?. is it correct ?.
Thanks in advance, and repeat sorry for my english.
I await your news.
Best Regards,
Jordi Gonzalez
You can use the Stream class to do this. With the Stream class you can create pseudo live streams using static videos as the source (and actual live streams).
Here is an example that includes a way to create a schedule, which is tailor made to what you describe:
repeat=“true” ----------------------> ?
This just means it will repeat. When that playlist is played on the stream and it reaches the end, starts over.
scheduled=“2009-12-11 16:24:00” → ? the scheduled of begin ?
Right, to the second, using the server’s clock of course.
start="5" --------------------------> ?
length="5" -------------------------> ? length of video 1 ?
“start” is number of seconds from the beginning of the clip.
“length” is number of seconds to play.
In the example, the clip plays for 5 seconds starting 5 seconds from the beginning.
Using the IStreamActionNotify interface you can get the name of item when it starts playing, and assuming it is a static video you could find it’s duration. But an item might be an live stream, in which case you couldn’t to that.
See this post for finding bitrate and duration of a static video:
It can be done if the item is a static video in the content folder.
Note the IStreamActionNotify interface in the example, and this event handler:
public void onPlaylistItemStart(Stream stream, PlaylistItem item)
getLogger().info("Item Name: " + item.getName());
You should be able to use (with slight modification) the code from the ModuleCalculateBitrate example, passing in item.getName(), to do it.
What I was first suggesting is modify the code from ModuleCalculateBitrate to be called server-side from the onPlayListItemStart handler, instead of from the client. Then you could send the results out to connected clients with onPlayListItemStart with appInstance.broadcastMsg.
But another approach is keep ModuleCalculateBitrate separate, use onPlayListItemStart with appInstance.broadcastMsg to send the clients the name of the video only, and when the client gets this message it uses it in a nc.call(“getStreamBitrate”, resultObj, canal).
The 2nd approach is easier.
You have to add client-side callback to handle this, add the call from onPlayListItemStart.
It would start here, server-side:
public void onPlaylistItemStart(Stream stream, PlaylistItem item)
getLogger().info("Item Started: " + item.getName());
stream.getPublisher().getAppInstance().broadcastMsg("itemStart", item.getName());
client-side, it would be something like:
var clientObj:Object();
clientObj.itemStart = function(item:String):void
netconnection.call("getStreamBitrate", resultObj, item);
netconnection.client = clientObj;
Install the Wowza IDE and read the included user guide:
Many of the Useful Code examples are whole Wowza Server Modules that you can use to get started.
Send a note to support@wowza.com, reference this thread.
Thank you very much Richard !!! 
I am going to read everything and it will try to realize it.
Best Regards,
Jordi González
Hi Ricard !,
Sorry !!! for not bothering again.
I have followed the steps that I have seen in the post that you have indicated me, but it gives me the mistake of “Stream not found” ??.
There happens to you which can be the problem ?
Thank you very much for your help.
Best Regards,
Jordi Gonzalez
Sorry Richard !,
The problem was in “Restart” Wowza Media Server. It is OK !
Best Regards,
Jordi Gonzalez
If you need play a playlist all the week ( monday,… Sunday ). How have to indicated this parameters in file .smil :
name=“pl1” ------------------------> Ok the name of playlist
playOnStream=“Stream1” -----------> Ok the name of Stream-playlist
repeat=“true” ----------------------> ?
scheduled=“2009-12-11 16:24:00” --> ? the scheduled of begin ?
Hi Richard,
Thanks a lot for your early reply and help !.
You are a master !!! 
Best Regards,
Jordi Gonález
Hi Richard,
A last question of the Stream TV.
For one Stream of the “streamschedule.smil” that is running.
Is it possible know, in the Flash ( Actionscript ) the duration of time and bytes of the video it is playing in this moment ?.
Thanks !! in advance.
Best Regards,
Jordi González
Thank you Richard,
I Have tried what you indicate me, but it return me no data ( ¿? ) bitrate.
I suppose that since it is not video on demand, it is a video of a stream playlist of the file “streamschedule.smil” it is not possible to know data.
Is it correct ?.
Best Regards,
Jordi González
Hi Richard,
Yes are static video. I am confused 
I include the new in Application.xml & the modifications of actionscript are :
1st :
ns.play( canal ); // “canal” it is the var with the Stream Names - OK RUN -
2n : ADD in my Actionscript
nc.call(“getStreamBitrate”, resultObj, canal); // jump a onResult -OK RUN -
3º : ADD in my Actionscript
var resultObj:Object = new Object();
resultObj.onResult = function(bitrate:Number){
txtTimer.text = "bitrate: "+bitrate; // - NO RUN - bitrate 0 ??
Any idea ?.
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
Thank you very much again for your help.
The problem is that to there not be modified the module java in my server that you indicate me 
Is there some manual in the forum that indicate me to do it ?.
Thanks !!,
Hi Richard,
I download the “Wowza Ide 2” and read the Guide, but i don’t manage to realize the module Java successfully 
It is possible that you do to me, paying to you, a module lib jar to install in my Server Linux, that i was returning in my actionscript of flash, of the video that is emitted at this moment that my Scheduled file .smil ? :
1- the name of the video.
2- the total duration in seconds, or Totals bytes of the video.
3- and the seconds current one where it goes, or totals bytes dowloads until this moment.
This point, it is important for me to controler the video en flash.
Thanks !!! in advance. I await your news.
Best Regards,
Jordi González
Ok ! Richard.
I will contact.
Many thanks ! for your help !.
Jordi González