License detection issue

Hey all!

Hope all is well with everyone at Wowza…

Had a strange occurrence today on one of our origin servers. Long story short the license detection in Wowza randomly barfed and knocked the origin off for about 30 mins, see below:


ERROR server comment 2015-07-22 15:03:51 - - - - - 33.948 - - - - - - - The Wowza Media Systems Software licensing system was not able to connect to the licensing server to validate your license. Please validate that your machine is able to send HTTP data over TCP port 80 to the Internet. If this problem persists, please visit for up to date information.

ERROR server comment 2015-07-22 15:03:51 - - - - - 33.974 - - - - - - - system.exit[2]


This came out of nowhere and have never seen it before, but we have a perp license for this particular box. Also, we were able to successfully determine that network access was available out of this machine at the time.

Any clues as to the cause? Recommendations/suggestions for prevention?


That certainly shouldn’t happen.

Please send the following information in an email to referencing this thread URL, so we can analyze why the issue occurred:






Just posting the answer here so other users can also see. This may be due to a network hiccup or a brief firewall configuration change that unfortunately coincided with the periodic license check-in, that resulted in the TCP packet loss and the server registering it as a license failure. If this comes up regularly, do capture the current logs, include platform-specific information, and send to us for further investigation.
