H263 live stream to H264 transcoding


We have an Android app sending H263/Speex stream to WowzaMediaServer 3.5.2 over rtmp protocole.

We are using live-record app re-stream (the live) and record it in different bit-rates.

The original stream seems to be recorded properly in flv format in the content directory.

The {streamname}_source.mp4 {streamname}_360p.mp4 {streamname}_120p.mp4 are created on the file system but they remain empty.

For the playback we use JWPlayer 6 & Akamai plugin.

Live stream playback works fine in most cases …

1/ Desktop with flashPlayer over rtmp (rtmp://$server:$port/live/$stream) or HDS http://$server:$port/live/mp4:$stream/manifest.f4m

2/ Android platforms -> RTSP (rtsp://$server/live/$stream)

The problem comes when we try streaming over HLS to iOS devices, or MAC OS X native players.

It all works just fine while streaming from Wirecast or any other h264/aac stream source.

Here is what I am guessing RTMP / HDS flashbased players are compatible with the original h263 format and so are my RTSP playback apps/plugins …

but HLS requires properly encoded H264 streams that Wowza fails to transcode from the original source.

Am I getting this right ?

Am I reading this “https://www.wowza.com/addons/wowza-transcoder-addon” right when I read that the transcoder add-on does not decode incoming H263 streams ?

Do you have any suggestions to solve this issue ?

A part of course from the obvious “change your Android App to send H264/AAC stream”

Thank you for reading me.

Looking forward to your suggestions.

Sorry, that’s right: h.263 is support for encode but not decode

Video decoding: H.264, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 Part 2

Video encoding: H.264, H.263v2

Audio decoding: AAC, MP3, MPEG-1 Layer 1/2, Speex, G.711 (µ-law and A-law)

Audio encoding: AAC

