I have strange issue.
When i play the stream with the wowza player with /live/ngrp:myStream.stream_all/playlist.m3u8?DVR the player starts with the higher resolution then go down to the lowest and never get back to the higher resolution.
When i play the same stream without ?DVR at the end so the live, it plays the higher resolution and adapts itself to the network conditions. Everything is working well.
I didn’t find same issue explained in the forum 
Adaptive bitrate delivery - When using Wowza nDVR, you can leverage Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) files for adaptive bitrate delivery. The SMIL workflow requires an encoder that can generate multiple bitrate streams from the same source with properly aligned keyframes.
Important: The streams used in adaptive bitrate streaming must have aligned keyframes. Wowza nDVR creates chunks based on the keyframe alignment and the adaptive bitrate switching occurs on chunk boundaries.
Please refer to this as well @Alexandre Licinio:
If you still require assistance, please open a support ticket and we will work with you to resolve it. Thanks!
Thanks but i followed what explained
https://www.wowza.com/docs/how-to-debug-dvr-abr-stream-alignment but the browser query forever and show nothing.
I have a live app with 4 streams:
After installing the plugin and restarting wowza and launching the stream file i query with
:8086/dvrreport?app=live&streams=myStream.stream_720p,myStream.stream_360p but the browser still loads and never stops loading.
hmmm…I think it’s best at this point to have our engineers run some tests to debug. Can you go ahead and open a support ticket?
Yes Rose, i will, thanks for your support.