Wowza Streaming Engine 4.9.2 in Now Available

Wowza Streaming Engine 4.9.2 is now available and includes 708 CEA caption support.

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The addition of CEA-708 pop-on is great.

Can you share info regarding what players the 708 has been verified on? (My experience with pop-on is mixed, as different players expect widely differing 708 commands. Roll-up seems to be more widely supported)

Also, not to be nit-picky but I believe the docs may be incorrect regarding delivering live webVTT captions. It says they are delivered with webVTT sidecar files. Sidecar files are caption files that are not signaled in the manifest. However, I believe HLS live would be signaling the subtitle tracks in the manifest. Iā€™m not sure it could be done any other way for live, but perhaps it has changed. Can you verify if they are delivered with sidecar files or signaled in the manifest?

Congrats again-- great feature-- and looking forward to trying this out

Hello @Scott_Kellicker2 good to hear from you and thank you for your feedback.

We mainly used VideoJS to test 708 CEA captions.

We extended the previous 608 captions code with the intention to add support for roll-up at a later date for both 608 and 708.

We have updated the release notes to remove the sidecar reference for live:
Link to release notes

Hey @Jason_Tuchler. Thanks for the update!