thank you for the reply, but i guess its stil a missunderstanding.
When i purchased the AddOn it didnt say that it is for perpetual only. It said in the e-mail:
Don’t forget to add unlimited Transcoder to [B]your Wowza Streaming Engine license[/B] by the end of the year. For a limited time, the Wowza AddOn Plus Pack is available for $295.
Buy AddOn Plus Pack
“your Wowza Streaming Engine license” not “Your perpetual license”
So the “AddOn Plus Pack” is a perpetual addon license? Then i just wasted 295 $ 
My Problem is that the AddOn Plus Pack said it adds unlimited transcoder channels as example and now i get billed per channel anyway, while stil having the license applied. So what was the point of this Plus Pack if its not working.
When i start up my server i also see this license log entries:
2015-01-29 14:13:18 CET comment server INFO 200 - Server License Key: ENGM4-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-uxBuD - - - 0.457 - - - - - - - - - - - -
2015-01-29 14:13:18 CET comment server INFO 200 - AddOn License Key: TRNU4-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-FRawU: Wowza Transcoder AddOn (unlimited) - - - 0.457 - - - - - - -
2015-01-29 14:13:18 CET comment server INFO 200 - AddOn License Key: DVRA4-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-R64Bb: Wowza nDVR AddOn -
2015-01-29 14:13:18 CET comment server INFO 200 - AddOn License Key: DRMA4-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-KeuhD: Wowza DRM AddOn
So it even says unlimited. But i stil get billed per every transcoder channel i run, so i assume properly that something is wrong or not?
If you are using a subscription type license key, you cannot add perpetual addon licenses. It is not possible to mix a Wowza Streaming Engine subscription license with premium addon perpetual licenses. The perpetual premium addon license can only be used with a Wowza Streaming Engine perpetual license.
When using a WSE subscription license, the premium addons are also available. All you need to do is to enable them through the Wowza Manager GUI or through the XML configuration files. Please note that the usage of a premium addon, when running Wowza with a subscription license type, will be reflected on your monthly invoice.
Please make sure to check the Premium AddOn Monthly Price Per Instance or Channel pricing graph.