My company does a live stream once or twice a month.
Since the death of the wowza player in January, we’ve been looking at different open-source players.
I simply want a free player for my live streams. We host no other content.
These players require .mp4 and/or .webm streams.
I don’t know if I can get those streams out of Wowza or not.
I have these coming from Wowza…
https company/live/myStream/manifest.mpd
https company/live/myStream/playlist.m3u8
rtmps company/live/myStream
For now, I found Shaka-Player, and it works great with the manifest.mpd stream.
Am I supposed to get .mp4 and .webm from Wowza server?
And I just realized that was a 5 year old thread… shame on me…