I am using a Wowza’s Gocoder application to live stream video from my iPhone to the Wowza server(version 4.0.4). From the server I was able to fetch the video to my Webpage as well. I used Video.js player to do the same. But all this works only for IOS (HLS stream). Now, I would like to know if I could support streaming from my Android mobile (RTSP) as well using the same player.
Is there something I could include to make the single player connect to the RTSP or HLS stream respectively?
Thank you for the help ! 
You won’t be able to use/play the RTSP url in an HTML5 video tag. Browsers just don’t support it.
You can have a link outside of the player that will indicate it will play the rtsp stream if clicked.
Hello Monica.
The URL would be:
Thank you.
If you can not reach your Wowza server in a remote browser at this address:
Then you probably need to open TCP port 1935 on that server and/or map port 1935 to your Wowza server in your network, for example port-forwarding if a router.
www.portforward.com should be able to explain how to do this for your router model.
I hope this helps you.
Hi Monica, this could be because you need to add the IP to the property:
How to connect to remote Streaming Engine installations (whitelist)
I hope this gets you going.
Hi Daren,
If i add a link outside the player, where do I link it to? The rtsp stream will be playing from which source ?
Thank you for that reply Salvadore. I will try that out.
Could you please tell me why I am not able to stream outside the local network ? I am able to stream only if both the server and the mobile are in the same local n/w.
When I type in “http://[wowza ip address]:1935” from home, I get “Wowza Streaming Engine 4 Trial Edition (Expires: Jan 12, 2015) 4.0.4 build11775”. And I am able to log in to the streaming engine manager via port “8088”. But, not able to stream. Is there some other port that needs to be open ? Please shed some light into this.
Hi Salvadore,
When I try to reach address “http://[wowza-address]:1935”, I get a page with the text “Wowza Streaming Engine 4 Trial Edition (Expires: Jan 12, 2015) 4.0.4 build11775”. Apart from port 1935 not being open, is there some other possibility ? Because, I think port 1935 is open.
Thank you for the response !
I got the ports problem fixed! And as you said, I have added an external link on my Webpage to access the stream from android devices. And it works! (3 second latency). I was wondering if it is possible to add a small script on my webpage that will detect if the device accessing it is Android or IOS and open the stream accordingly ?
I know this is not relevant to wowza. But just curious if you guys know.
Thanks again!