Wowza 4.7, NVIDIA NVENC and CUDA problems with only 1 transcoded stream

I have NVIDIA K80 card running on Azure N-Series machine, Wowza configured to encode using NVENC and decode using NVCUVID. With only 1 stream, I’m seeing these logs indicating problems:

TranscodingSession.updateBehindFilter[phlive/_definst_/tester]: Video behind filter state change. New state: ALLFRAMESOFF

TranscodingSession.updateBehindFilter[phlive/_definst_/tester]: Video behind filter state change. New state: KEYFRAMESONLY

Please tell me what is wrong.

Confirmed the GPU is available:

JNI:TranscoderSession.isCUDAAvailable[_defaultVHost_:phlive/_definst_/tester]:NVidia hardware acceleration is available: NVENC5[H264], NVCUVID, CUDA[decode]---597.896-------------------2

017-07-1419:41:06UTCcommentserverINFO200-JNI:NVidiaCUDAUtils.logCUDAGPUInfo[_defaultVHost_:phlive/_definst_/tester]: GPU[0]: name:"Tesla K80" computeCapability:3.7 cudaVersion:8000 driverVersion:367.92 memory:11439MB processors:13 cores:2496 clockRate:823MHz

JNI:TranscoderSession.videoDecoderCreate[_defaultVHost_:phlive/_definst_/tester]: Create video decoder: H.264: NVCUVID

Hello @edaich,

Make sure you have the latest drivers Tesla drivers installed on the Azure instance.
I believe the latest drivers as of today is version 385.08.

If updating the drivers fail, our support staff would need to take a further look at the configuration and logs data set from your server in order to identify the issue. Please open a new ticket here.


Alex C.