Where is the "new API for Live to VOD Clip Extraction"


in the 4.3 relese notes I am seeing “APIs for Live to VOD Clip Extraction”, but can’t find it in the 4.3 Server Side API pdf. (I’m afraid that the MediaCache purge related stuff mentioned in the notes is also missing from the docs)

Can you point me to the new classes and/or methods?


Hi wtoolbox,

You can do this via REST API using nDVR methods.



It is on page 442 of the ServerSide API PDF, specifically the interface IDvrApplicationConverterContext.

Also the MediaCache functionality is described here


as it was updated to reflect the new functionality.


Hi michelle_b,

I’m afraid that you might have misunderstood my question. I was trying to point out that the Java API documentation is not containing key classes that are advertised as new features. This should be fixed in the documentation I guess. I was not asking at all how something can be done, and this has nothing to do with the REST API…


Thanks Andrew, got it now.

Please let us know if you have any further questions.