Live to VOD clip extraction: strange behavior


I have been testing the live to VOD functionality (REST API) on Wowza 4.4.0 and observed some strange behavior. It does not extract only the requested portion of video. What it may be doing is extracting from the beginning of the dvr recording window to the specified start time (dvrConverterStartTime), plus the specified duration (dvrConverterDuration). (If Content-type and Accept headers are not specified, it may be extracting the dvr store, ignoring the specified parameters.) The source video stream has i-frames (keyframes) every 5 seconds or so.

Any ideas why this could be happening? Are there known issues with the live to VOD feature?


We are aware of this issue and are actively working on it. It effects version 4.4.0 and 4.4.1.



is there any update on this issue?

How can I downgrade to earlier version and check if it works 4.3.x?


There is a known issue with 4.4.1 and DVR clip extraction. This is now resolved and will be available in the next public release which is very soon. If you require a patch prior to this then please open a support ticket.
