Using WOWZA for live audio (radio) streaming


Can I use WOWZA for live audio streaming for Internet radio?

If so, how it works? I think when I start receiving the live audio (radio) stream (e.g. MP3 or AAC) on the client, the received data are not kind of raw bitstream (i.e. raw encoder output), but they are always wrapped into some container format. If this assumption is correct, then I guess I cannot start streaming from arbitrary place of the stream, but I have to wait to some sync byte. Is that right? Is it usual to have some sync bytes? Is there any header following the sync byte, from which I can guess the used codec, number of channels, sample rate, etc.?

When I connect to live stream, will I receive data starting by the nearest sync byte or I will get them from the actual position and I have to check for the sync byte first?

Some streams like icecast use headers in the HTTP response, where stream related information are included, but i think i can skip them and deal directly with the meta data from stream header (if there is any). Can this be also somehow configured on the server?

Is that correct?



There are examples of live streaming and shoutcast streaming that ship with Wowza, including Flash clients. Take a look at LiveVideoStreaming and SHOUTcast examples


This would be a good starting point: