UDP/RTP Input from BrightSign player

Hey all! Here is where I’m at.

Currently we’ve got some media players that are connected to a Teradek VidiU which sends an RTMP stream to Wowza with no issues other than the Teradek over heating and locking up.

We’re trying to remove that point of failure by using some new BrightSign media players that support RTP/UDP Streaming to a device(eg Wowza).

Now it’s not as simple as setting up the Normal RTMP stream and assigning it a user and being done.

What I’ve currently got setup is the following:

BrightSign is setup to stream to our Wowza player via

Wowza has a streaming file called udp:// and is connected to the live application.

Incoming Streams in live show the stream file, but it does not appear that there is any connection being received from the BrightSign Player.

Any ideas? I feel like I may be missing something.

Thanks for the help.

Still not seeing any connection as far as Wowza is concerned.

Wowza is running in a docker container and as I mentioned above, it works fine for a normal rtmp stream, but does not seem to be getting the MPEGTS UDP streams. I did a tcp dump and I see the connections being made to the host box( but it appears that Wowza is just not getting the connection for some reason.

Any ideas?


Could you clarify if you’re trying to publish a stream from the Brightsign “Player” or instead playback a stream generated by Wowza Streaming Engine on the player?

Typically the RTP/UDP streams are published to a multicast IP:Port from an encoder and then Wowza Streaming Engine uses a .stream file to ingest the stream from the same IP:port. Wowza Streaming Engine can also push a MPEG-TS UDP stream out to a multicast IP:Port, using a Stream Target, if your goal is playback on the Brightsign.

If the Brightsign player is acting as an encoder and supports RTSP, you can push this directly into Wowza Streaming Engine using a URL format similar to this:

Best regards,

Hey Andrew,

The Brightsign Player is acting as the encoder and should be publishing a stream to Wowza.

Previously we were using the Teradeck VidiU to publish an RTMP stream to Wowza, which works fine.

With the new BrightSign Players, they have the ability to publish a UDP/RTP stream, or act as an RTSP stream server, and accept connections, but not publish RTSP.

To your point about the multicast IP:Port, the BS Player is currently configured to send the stream to the Wowza device at, and the need for a unicast IP is that eventually the BS Player will be out on it’s own network and need to send the stream back to us via a dedicated IP, unless this can still be done via a multicast WAN IP.

The end result is the following:

BS Player displays images/video and is streaming that display back to us into Wowza, Wowza then can record and provide a RTMP/RTSP stream for us/our customer to view and see what is being displayed on the remote end-point(BS Player connected display).

Hope that makes sense.

