Trying to log into EC2 instance, getting internal server error

I am trying to run an EC2 instance, using the bring your own license AMI. When I try to log into the server webpage, I get an error message, “Internal Server Error (500) - Internal Server Error”. Does anyone know what to do to resolve this? Have searched here and on google, and nothing comes up.


Did you start this with one of the Wowza pre-built AMIs? If so, which AMI exactly?


The first thing I would do in this case is start another one, EC2 instances can fail on startup sometimes. Make sure you have all the required ports open in the EC2 Security Group, but a 500 error indicates a major malfunction. I would just start another one.


One thing, don’t use service restart. Do service stop, then wait, then service start.

Otherwise, what you show is okay. You can ignore those two WARN lines, I know. Is that all the logging there is?


Where are you seeing 500 server error? Sounds like you are able to connect with SSH client to stop the service, and that it does stop and start (remember to avoid using restart). What does not work?



Did you start this with one of the Wowza pre-built AMIs? If so, which AMI exactly?


The prebuilt, bring your own license AMI. License key is a trial license.

Have started a new instance 4 times. Each time, the same thing happens.

When I do a service restart of Wowza, I get these messages.

$ sudo service WowzaStreamingEngine restart

Restarting WowzaStreamingEngine …

WowzaStreamingEngine stopped [ OK ]

WowzaStreamingEngine: starting…

Wowza Streaming Engine 4 for Amazon EC2: Resize Boot Partition

resize2fs 1.42.8 (20-Jun-2013)

The filesystem is already 10485760 blocks long. Nothing to do!

Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on

/dev/xvda1 41153856 1672016 39381572 5% /

devtmpfs 1906144 16 1906128 1% /dev

tmpfs 1921560 0 1921560 0% /dev/shm

/dev/xvda2 4122816 73796 3839588 2% /media/ephemeral0

Wowza Streaming Engine 4 for Amazon EC2: Initialize Content: /media/ephemeral0/WowzaStreamingEngine

mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/media/ephemeral0/WowzaStreamingEngine’: File exists

mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/media/ephemeral0/WowzaStreamingEngine/mediacache’: File exists

WowzaStreamingEngine started PID:(4609)

Yes, no other messages in log file.