Troubleshoot buffering problem from some countries.


I am new wowza forums member and administrator.

I have one wowza streaming server with rtmps enabled and all is working good.

I have about 150 client online 24/7.

What I encounter is that clients from countries Canada or Australia have issues with viewing the stream. Thes complain on buffering issues.

My server is located in Germany and has 1Gbps internet connection.

Some would say that is because they are physicaly far away. That might be the case. All clients have 10Mpbs+ internet connection and Wowza server upload speed is 20% utilized so I guess internet connection speed is not the problem.

Can you give some advice on how can I start troubleshooting this problem?


Can you test the connection between your server and their location? They may have 10Mbps connection to their nearest peer, but between your 1Gbps server and their location, the connection may go through several hops, any of them being a potential bottleneck.

The best way of knowing is to perform a bandwidth test between your server and their playback location.



Please do keep us updated of your progress. Your test results might prove valuable for other forum users as well.




Thanks for replying. I created AWS Windows instance in Sidney. And opened up one stream. I have already knew how much bandwidth is needed for the stream (~ 1.3 Mbps) and that is now much it pulled when I started the stream.

I will try to test between these two locations, but AWS may not be a good in comparison to home connection.

Nevetheless ~1Mbps should be available.