Distant targets

Hey guys,

I have a question.

I’m am trying to send a 20 mbps RTMP stream from one Wowza to another Wowza 89ms away.

My current buffer is set to 300,000 on both send. I see no change from 250,000 and above. Machine resources on either end don’t seem to.

I’ve calculated my correct send and receive buffers to compensate for the distance but am seeing diminishing returns as 93x speed and 17mbps of the 20mbps stream. I can’t get it any higher.

Has anyone else had to overcome distant stream targets and how did you solve this? I’m able to stream anywhere in US. 89ms seems to be just too far. There aren’t any closer machines I can use to relay from this server due to geographic location.


Have you considered streaming from Engine to a Wowza CDN?


You could also research the geographical map for streaming from Engine to Wowza Streaming Cloud to leverage the edge network:
