After hard coding the directories for , it now works as expected, our config must be screwed up somewhere…
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Software: Wowza Streaming Engine 4.4.1 build17882
I am trying to get the image overlay option to work on a transcoding stream.
I have updated the Transcode(default)->160p->Overlay Images -> enabled WowzaLogo ${com.wowza.wms.context.VHostConfigHome}/content/wowzalogo.png
Wile I can attach a player to the stream with /live/streamName_160, the options such as image overlay & crop do not work.
I have also tried adding the image overlay to decoding preset but still no overlay is showing up.
I have also tried changing the image path to a full path such as /home/myWowza/content.
There is no reference to image not found in the logs.
Interestingly there also seems to be some other errors as well,
such as by default,
preset 240p NOT enabled
change this to enabled, restart wowza (not just application) and a stream not found error is reported.
ALso I can enable & disable the default enabled presets such as 160p and the stream will still be available even if it is disabled