Testing Alternative audio or video feature with Apple HLS: working also for rtmp ?


i’m testing what is described here:


My goal is to be able to stream live content with different audio channels corresponding to different languages.

I have a mpeg-ts source with 5 audio channels simulated by ffmpeg streaming to a udp port:

ffmpeg -re -i source.ts -map 0:0 -vcodec copy -map 0:1 -acodec copy -map 0:2 -acodec copy -map 0:3 -acodec copy -map 0:4 -acodec copy -map 0:5 -acodec copy -f mpegts udp://[server IP]:10000?pkt_size=1316

I followed the guide above and I’m quite surprised because when I tested the various .stream files created for each language (lang1.stream, lang2.stream , etc), I find that they work with rtmp: I get 5 streams with same video but different languages that I can play on any flash or html5 player.


This is quite unexpected and wonderful.

Has there been some upgrade on the server explaining that ? I did not see anything reported on the Release Notes of the latest updates. I’m on 4.2.0 (build 15089).



This has been possible for quite a while. Reference this old guide or this more recent guide regarding the selection of video and audio PIDs.

The difference with HLS is that the video/audio can be selected across a smil file.



This has been possible for quite a while. Reference this old guide or this more recent guide regarding the selection of video and audio PIDs.

The difference with HLS is that the video/audio can be selected across a smil file.


:hello: :slight_smile:

thanks Darren.

ok, I had presumed that the selection of programs, audio etc, in mpeg-ts was possible only for VOD (as it is for mp4). My mistake.

Another related question, it doesn’t seem possible at the moment to publish mpeg-ts over tcp with wowza? I’d rather send over tcp than udp for better reliability.

At the moment I’m considering work-arounds with ffmpeg in tcp relaying to wowza in udp, or sending udp over a vpn tunnel.


edit: confirmation that wowza can not ingest at the time mpeg-ts over tcp. But workarounds are simple with ffmpeg