There is a need to switch the older Amazon EC2 Wowza Pro (HVM) to BYOL license keys to cut down costs. However, I am doubtful if just switching the license key from the default EC2 one to Wowza monthly subscription key will stop the client from being charged Wowza license fee by AWS. I suspect we would need to switch to the BYOL AMI, install the key and move data.
Could someone please enlighten on this?
Unfortunately, switching the license key doesn’t convert the Pro AMI to a BYOL and will result in double billing for Wowza Licensing. We recommend that you create a new BYOL AMI and migrate your configuration to this instance. You may find the following article helpful when migrating the Wowza Streaming Engine configuration.
Best regards,
Andrew Ramberg
Hi Andrew,
Thanks a lot for the clarification. I did suspect so and had contacted AWS for a feedback. They also confirmed the same.
Had to manually do the needful.
Thanks again!