Objective. I have an application that is using OpenGL to render realtime medical imaging ouput to an Android tablet. I then use Android’s MediaCodec to encode the OpenGL surface to a H.264 byte stream that I save to an MP4 file for future review. However, I want to skip this step and send the output live up to Wowza. How do I do this?
Here is what I have experimented so far.
Step 1. I have created a free trial Wowza cloud account and able to view the MP4 test video.
Step 2. I downloaded a library called libstreaming that has Android code to send camera ouput up to Wowza using RTSP. I made small modifications and the video is transmitted up to Wowza. That is all great news so far.
Step 3. Here is where I am stuck. I cannot figure out how to modify the libstreaming to take my encoded bytes. But I figured Wowza has recommended way to do this and I don’t have to rely on the libstreaming library.