Streaming Opengl window


I want to stream my openGL window to :

  • android

  • iPhone

  • web browser,

  • Windows phone

using rtsp and hls protocols.

Can I do this using wowza.

Does wowza have a sdk to do this.

Thanks and regards.

vikram singh


Wowza is not able to capture your desktop screen and encode it for streaming. You will have to use an encoder like VLC, FFMPEG, Wirecast, etc…, to capture your desktop screen, encode it and publish it to your Wowza server in order to distribute it to your streaming clients using different devices.

Please take a look at the following forum articles describing how to use these encoders with Wowza:



There isn’t an API way to do this.

It requires capture of the window and encoding this to a H.264 stream being sent to Wowza’s streaming port.

As Zoran mentioned, both VLC and FFMPEG (free) are capable of doing this).



Those are indeed the native Transcoder binaries, but there is not a c or cpp based API.


I want to write a sample using wowza for streaming.

Does wowza provide an api.

Hi Daren,

I found that wowza has a Java based api.

Does wowza also has cpp or c based api because in the installation folder wowza has a folder named lib-native which consists of dlls.

Though I did not find any header files.

Thanks in advance

Hi Daren,

I am writing an application in which I am live streaming my window content.

I have c++ based encoder to encode my frames.

Previously I used Live555 to stream my encoded frames and Live555 is a C++ API.

Now, I want to stream these encoded frames using wowza which has a java api.

Can we use a c++ encoder with wowza streaming server to stream the encoded using RTSP protocol.
