State of Live Stream Captioning on Android?

I know that CEA-608 embedded captions will show up in iOS HLS streams now - how about Android? Either in the native player or the JavaScript player (JWPlayer, etc)?

Anyone successful with live stream captions in a Phonegap app with an embedded player, or linking out the native player on the device?


HLS on Android supports the use of WebVTT for subtitles/captions. iOS also supports this.

The WebVTT guide here shows how to enable WebVTT captions for iOS, but should also be relevant to Android 4.x

in the native player.



Actually a correction to the above. WebVTT in HLS is only possible using the Android API (Android player SDK), so can only be done (at this time) in a developed player Application,

but ‘not’ in the native player as indicated above.
