SMIL URL for adaptive streaming not working from an iPAD

I use the following URL:


This works great on Chrome, IE, FF and Safari.

From an iPAD it does not work.

Is the URL correct? I have seen examples using manifest.m3u8 and playlist.m3u8

What is the correct one to use, ideally it should work on all major browsers and iOS and Andriod.


Have you tried it with /playlist.m3u8? That is what iOS devices use.


The IPad will be connecting to the Wowza server remotely so you need to use the wowza server’s ip address instead of localhost in the url.


manifest.m3u8 is a valid url extension in Wowza although all of the documentation suggests to use playlist.m3u8 instead.


Awesome, thanks for the update and glad you got this sorted.


Thanks Roger and Salvadore - manifest.m3u8 and playlist.m3u8 work. Our problem turned out to be related to signing of URL’s, unrelated to Wowza.

My live steaming url is : http://:1935/live/smil:ptcnews.smil/playlist.m3u8

its working on browser(for wowza media player) but this link is not working for android or ios.

Please suggest something currently i am using free version.