SMIL file for ABR live streams: required or not?

Just trying to get some clarification regarding creating SMIL files. On this page: it says:

You also must create a Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) file that links the streams together for playback.

On this page: Stream adaptive bitrate content it says:

You also must create a Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) file that links the streams together for playback

However, in the Transcoder User Guide, it states:

Stream Name Groups serve the same purpose as a Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) file and either method can be used for playback of live streams

So do I need to use a SMIL file at all then if I’m pointing to an m3u8 file in the form of: http://[wowza-ip-address]:1935/live/ngrp:myStream_all/playlist.m3u8?



For completeness, you need a .smil file for ABR with VOD streams. For live streams coming through an encoder that can generate multi-bit-rate renditions you also need a .smil file.

Then you would call the .smil file(“stream.smil” for example) as the stream name. (instead of “myStream” for live, or “sample.mp4” for VOD):


When running the live stream through the Wowza Transcoder and generating a NGRP you do not need to create a .smil file.

To answer your question, your playback URL should work assuming everything is setup correctly.

