i need to get an audio/video feed from my android device. i have an encoder application (larix broadcaster) which supports RTP. i can connect it via wi-fi on same network as my host pc, but how can i do it when my smartphone is at 3g or lte network? where can i get some non-local host adress to put in my app?
One option is to open your Wowza server up to the public. You can do this securely by configuring your network router and specific ports to access your ingest stream:
No specific instructions on this as we do not know what router you are using to help configure.
Hope this helps. If any further questions, feel free to contact us.
I’m a complete rookie in all of this network stuff, but I have to figure this out.
So, how do i actually set Wowza server up to public? What ports should I configure?
May be there’s some guide to how to set things up on some random router so I can clear up what I basicly have to do with mine?
It’s really difficult to say as we do not know your router, but let me break it down a bit. Let’s say the IP addr from your Telco is 205…111.xxx.xxx assign to your router and the internal ip addr of your server is 192.168 xxx.xxx. You need to map the internal addr to the extent. IP using TCP… Open ports 1935 and any other ports you need to use. Eg. 80
So, I’ve made some steps you mentioned and really pushed things forward but I can’t get it done still.
I’ve got my own WAN IP, pasted it in URL in my android transcoder app(now it looks like this: rtsp://[my WAN IP]:1935/[name of live streaming app on wowza server]/live), and the stream appeared at “incoming stream” section! Fantastic! BUT, when I’m trying to watch it on test players I get nothing but black screen.
RTMP is more robust as it doesn’t use UDP packets which can result in packet loss. In addition you may not have UDP ports 6970-9999 open for data transport when using RTSP. This would provide a connection but the actual data would not be coming through. This may explain why you are seeing an encoder connection but nothing is coming out.
Run WireShark or TCP dump on your server to see if video packets are heading in. You can filter RTSP per the WireShark instructions below.
At first I’ve tried to carry this out using RTSP and opened 6970-9999 ports but it didn’t work out. Black screen again. Then I decided to try to make it in local network through wi-fi and it worked, but with pretty big delay (about 30 sec). I don’t really know what it tells me but may be you do. (:
Then I’ve started to work with RTMP and that was the real headache.
I configured ModuleSecureURLParams exactly as this article describes.And then I’ve tried dozens of different URL configurations from here, here and even here in Larix app to reach the server but none of them worked out. When RMTP authentification settings in livestream application on Wowza server turned to “open” - the encoder app shows “Unknown authentification failure” error. When I switch it to “require password authentification” - it shows “Authentification failure, please check stream credentials”.