First i want to thank you for this incredible service.
I have only one question. I have just downloaded the trial version of Wowza Media Server and configured it on my dedicated web server with centos 5. Everything went smoothly but in the tutorial said that in order to send a link to a remote computer i have to copy the folder client to a my web server. But i do not have that folder. Is the trial version limited? We intend to purchase the server of course but we just wanted to test it first. I know it is an error on my part but i couldn’t find more details in the tutorial. The camera is hooked up only on a local network and we can not see the stream unless we are connected on that network.
Thank you for the help in advance.
Best Regards,
Hi Ana,
What exactly do you want to achieve?
Connect the IP camera to wowza and call the stream from anywhere in your network, but also outside your network?.
Do you want to see the stream in a browser or for example in vlc?
if so.
you have to make an application in wowza + adjust the Application.xml to your needs.
Restart wowza and just open the stream in vlc (rtsp://<ipadress_wowzaserver>:1935/streamname
if you want to see it outside your network you have to configure your router and route port 1935 to the wowza server.
if you want to see it in a webbrowser in and outside your network. at the streamname like this: rtmp://<outside_ipaddress>:1935/streamname
you could use jwplayer or flowplayer or another webplayer for this. (to be sure jwplayer6 still has problems in IE9/10, so using jwplayer5 will be more successfull)
assuming your webserver is located outside your office/home.
Just tell me what your setup is. i might can give you more detailed information.
the userguide is nice to know: https://www.wowza.com/resources/WowzaMediaServer_UsersGuide.pdf
How are you starting the stream?
Are you using Stream Manager?
For the camera.stream file, you should just have the IP address of the camera:
What type of IP camera are you using? As this may change what the URL format in the camera.stream file.
Also make sure there is not a .txt extension appended to the file name. This file should be placed in the [wowza-install-dir]/content folder
Try changing these settings back to default to test:(these settings are the default)
If this is working locally it is likely an issue with blocked or improperly mapped ports.
You probably need to open TCP port 1935 on that server and/or map port 1935 to your Wowza server in your network, for example port-forwarding if a router.
This line in the logs shows that the file can not be found:
WARN server comment - RTPSessionDescriptionDataProviderBasicRTSPWorker.processResponse: DESCRIBE: Status: 404
Make sure the camera.stream file is in the [install-dir]/content folder, if that is where your Application.xml file is pointing to under
Also, I looked into your IP camera, and it shows a URL for the camera like this: rtsp://[camera-ip]:554/live.sdp
If this is the IP of the camera then try this as the contents of the camera.stream file:
You don’t have to worry about your Camera ip address, because your Wowza Server will be the central server. If your server and ip camera are outside your network just use the external ip addresses or open the ports to the internal ipaddress.
Download the script from jwplayer. edit the settings to your needs and upload it to a webbrowser. for further support about Jwplayer you can go to their forum, they have plenty of examples there.
in your stream file you are using username and password. so you have setup secure streaming.
Can you tell me what is working for now?
Your example setup?
IP camera IPaddress:
Wowza Ipaddress:
webserver: ? or an outside ip?
open the ports needed (1935, 554) in your server firewall or forward the ports to your internal wowza server.
call the stream from anywhere inside and outside your network
just use the external ipaddress from your router
or use the external ipaddress when your server is a datacenter
you didnt have the application name in your rtsp stream. it should be like this
Hi Ana,
it should be simple. instead of sending the stream to your local wowza server, send the stream to the outside wowza server
change <application_name> with the application you made in wowza.
after that just use vlc to test the stream
open networkstream: rtsp://admin:studiom123@<application_name>/play1.sdp
otherwise what does your wowza_access.log tell you?
or do you get any other log messages?
Hi Ana,
no problem. I went to the same struggeling with different setups. There is lots of documentation, but sometimes its hard to know which one you need.
Below i will try to display what i mean and what i think your setup is.
Your Home/Office
IP camera :
RTSP protocol (best to use port 554 or 1935 to the wowza server)
Wowza Server:
you don’t have to open ports at your home/office router. (Firewalls only blocks Incoming ports, not outgoing). So the connection refused error is saying it can’t connect to the WowzaServer. So something in your setup on the wowza servers is not ok.
I don’t know what you mean with setting up the internal and external ip addresses. The servers already has those when you have installed them (static or DHCP addresses).
By the way when i look back in the tutorial i don;t see the authentication for the rtsp. maybe you got confused that the username and password is for the streammanager section.
for now i assume your application name is ‘live’ what makes it a bit easier to explain
Try this to stream to wowza: rtsp://
following the tutorial: Quote:
Use a text editor to create the file [install-dir]/content/camera.stream and set the contents of this file to the full RTSP/RTP URL of the camera. The file must have a .stream filename extension. For this tutorial, the file used is camera.stream.
I think you also have to go through the tutorial again, because when using the setup like this you can’t call your streamname: play.sdp because you made a camera.stream file on your wowza server. It cant find the reference. Tell me what you did with the setup step by step. If you missed one thing it just doesnt work. Dont put real usernames and passwords on the forum, but i need to know your setup in detail.
i don’t have an ip camera. so testing the scenario is not possible.
@Ana, when i try your link from your wowza server in the browser with just the port ( it should give me the result that the wowza server is running. The result im getting is: nothing. i cant reach your server. So i think that’s where the problem is already. I can’t connect to your server, so the rtsp link is not working for sure. Thats what also causes the error it can’t connect to the stream. did you open port 1935, 554 on the wowza server?
can you connect to your camera from outside your network in VLC? and did you try salvadore his possible solution?
Hi Ana,
do you mean the username and password are for the camera itself, or from your wowza local setup? what do your logs tell you when you connect to the stream without username and password?
ok. lets go back one step.
are you able to connect from outside your network to your ip camera? (no use of wowza)
world -> router external ip address
setup config
router external ip incoming ports. forward this port to your ip camera(internal ip address.)
that should indeed be the right setup. but its best to use static ipaddresses (you can do even when you have dhcp enabled).
i have no knowledge about apple products ;), but networking is the same to all products. you could try to change the protocol to UDP (sometimes you can select UDP/TCP or Both) and see if it gives any changes.
as soon as you start with these things networking will become an issue:D
this is the only usefull thing i could find about the router you have: https://discussions.apple.com/message/17117646#17117646 other people had no issues on a linksys router, but had issues with the apple router. the first thing you have to establish is to get direct access outside your network i guess. maybe if someone else have ideas with ip or cctv camera’s i hope they will step in, i don’t have one, so i can’t test things out for you to get to the right settings on this. make sure your network is the right way configured: https://discussions.apple.com/message/18785952#18785952
im not sure about this, but i think wowza will PULL the stream from your home network to the wowza server. if it can;'t connect nothing will happen from there. (it has to get access to your local network on a certain port)
if you use a push stream (lets say live encoder or vlc) you will push the stream to the wowza server. outgoing push streams don’t effect your firewall.
a firewall on your router is only used for INCOMING traffic. and i think that’s where youre problem is.
have you tested other setups to see if wowza is working correctly?
you could use adobe live encoder for a test rtmp stream to the wowza server. at least to know if the whole wowza part is working. Sometimes to test things out you have to test something else to get to the result you want
please one solution/question at the time.
skip the local part. working with ipaddresses inside and outside your network needs a totally different approach.
i think its best to keep locally and remote separate, otherwise we get mixed up answers. from now on, start working ONLY with the remote wowza server
have you checked the other answers i gave you?
well, i tried to test it locally with this link: https://www.wowza.com/resources/3.5.0/examples/LiveVideoStreaming/FlashRTMPPlayer/player.html
and got this error:
WARN server comment - RTPSessionDescriptionDataProviderBasic.getStreamInfo[3]: SDP file too large. Limit is 2MB. (/usr/local/WowzaMediaServer/content/sample.mp4)
Hi Ana,
im not sure what you mean by locally. you tested it locally with an external link? please explain the steps you did. what changes did you made before testing it again?
but also did you checked the other answers before this?. if we give possible solutions it would be nice if you checked them out, otherwise we’re getting nowwhere one mis-step and it just doesn’t work.
Hi Ana,
sorry for my late response. I hope you have better luck with another router.
Thank you for your quick reply. Yes i want to stream outside the network trough a browser for now maybe later in vlc or quicktime. For now i have the same setup from this tutorial: https://www.wowza.com/docs/how-to-re-stream-video-from-an-ip-camera-rtsp-rtp-re-streaming#publish with this address in the stream file: rtsp://admin:studiom123@ I know this cannot work since the server is indeed outside of the network and this is the ip addres of the camera on our network. How can i setup jwplayer for example?
Thank you for all your help.
Best regards,
The camera is in my network and the server is outside the network. For now this works on a local machine within the network which is the example setup. I then installed wowza on the dedicated server without any problem and made the same settings except for the .stream file (i did not make any changes to it but i knew it wouldn’t work). The server’s ip is The IP address of the camera is internal one. Since the server we intend to use for streaming is dedicated server used just for storing files and has only few setups i thought i use the cloud jwplayer with the wowza address. Where can i put the router’s external address? In the .stream file? As for the firewall of the server, it’s disabled. This is and iweb dedicated server.
I did create application and setup the internal and external ip addresses but now the log says connection refused . The router is apple time capsule that works as a router. In the port section of the router application there is option to add access to a specific device. There are 5 options to fill. Public TCP Port (i added 554, 1935), Public UDP port (Nothing here), Private IP Adress ( - camera IP) Private TCP Port (554, 1935) and private UDP Port.
Wowza’s log : ERROR server comment - MediaCasterConnection.connect: Failed to connect[]: org.apache.mina.common.RuntimeIOException: Failed to get the session[ConnectException: Connection refused].
Thank you again and sorry for the silly questions.
Best Regards,
Sorry for the long wait my camera is not available during the weekend. The link suggested still shows this error: Failed to get the session[ConnectException: Connection refused]. As for the camera.stream file i have this setup: rtsp://admin:password@ This worked on the local machine. As for the setup i did it like this:
I created folder live in application and in conf directories and in conf file i pasted the application.xml.
In that file i applied the changes suggested on the tutorial. I downloaded the already changed file.
After that i created the .stream file with the contents from above (which worked on the local machine).
I edited the admin.passwod file with username and password.
After this i open the streammanager and start streaming and everything is ok at that end.
I also created another application with these steps but in the application.xml copied in that application has these settings:
It didn’t work with those either. The router is apple time capsule that works as a router and when i go on cmd and put ipconfig it shows this address ( as a default gateway. The other ones are the external ip of the router.
Thank you again for your help.
Best Regards,