I need to develop a web application that allows registered users to watch live stream(s) and while watching, they’ve the ability to start clipping from the live stream, clipping happens after they mark the end of these clips.
Does Wowza support such feature? If so, any guidance is appreciated 
You do have the ability to create server-side streams, where you can duplicate a stream from an existing active stream.
Hi tamer;
Do you have a solution for this issue?
Hi Jose/Tamer,
If you have not done so, the Wowza DVR has the capability to record live streams and to generate MP4 files based on specific parameters such as start and duration. You can ‘mark’ the start of the stream from a user input and use this to populate the start parameter value, and similarly ‘mark’ the end of the clip which should populate the duration parameter value.
With the above parameters, you can then invoke the REST API methods from your web page to extract the MP4 clip.