MPEG-TS from Cisco D9854


I’m trying to play stream from Cisco D9854 [decoder - multicast UDP] but with no sucess. Create a with udp:// and with udp://ip:5001 - decoder ip, publish in stream manager, but i can’t play.

Nothing in logs. The UDP packets coming to interface.

I tested a MPEG-TS in VLC and play ok.



I think you have to point the stream to the same server:


Then re-stream in Wowza from udp:// or udp://


What about on the encoder side? Did you put the IP address of the Wowza machine in the UDP url that you are publishing to?

Is this Windows or Linux? You can use tcpdump on Linux or Wireshark on Windows to see if packets are reaching Wowza from the encoder.


Instead of the 239.x.x.x address use the IP of the Wowza machine. And if you use port 50001 playback would be udp://



Wowza does this when it tries to play a stream and can’t find it.

You must have some multicast configurations wrong (a typo maybe or you’re looking on the wrong port?).

Try checking your configuration in the VHost.xml against this guide,

There’s a tutorial for MPEG-TS based encoders to help you (if you need it) here,



This sound like a routing issue to me.

You can try adding a network route, the command is:

route add netmask dev eth1

You may have to use eth0 rather than eth1 but I’m not 100% sure if it will work with eth1.


Hi Richard,

I’m tried udp:// and udp://:10000.


INFO server comment - RTPMediaCaster.Reconnector[21039081:teste/]: start: 3

INFO server comment - RTPSessionDescriptionDataProviderBasic.getStreamInfo[teste/definst]: URI: udp://

INFO stream create - -

INFO server comment - RTPUDPTransport.bind[teste/definst]: /

INFO stream publish -

INFO server comment - RTPMediaCaster.Reconnector[21039081:teste/]: done: 3

INFO server comment - RTPMediaCaster.streamTimeout[21039081:teste/]: timeout:12000 diff:12007 reason:101

INFO server comment - RTPMediaCaster.resetConnection[21039081:teste/]:

INFO server comment - RTPMediaCaster.closeRTPSession[21039081:teste/]

INFO server comment - RTPUDPTransport.unbind[teste/definst]: / sent:0 recv:0

INFO stream unpublish -

INFO stream destroy -

Wowza create the stream and detroy in seconds. It’s a Linux box (virtual machine) with Wowza 3.1.0 build1410. I have 2 network interfaces: eth0 to access Wowza and eth1 to multicast (with multicast and promiscuos mode).


Hi Jason,

I configure my VHost.xml and the error is the same.

Does exist a way to force publish this stream from a multicast IP to wowza? A Addon maybe?



This is my cenario:

IRD (MPEG-TS - multicast --> Wowza (2 IP - one to the internet and other only for multicast - --> Akamai --> Flash players.

For now, if i plays in VLC (not pushing to Akamai), I will very happy!

if this really works, I will try transcode this MPEG-TS to H264/ACC.


Unfortunately, the Cisco’s IRD not especify a ip to publish, only a multicast ip. I’m tried to set the wowza’s ip, but the same error.

It’s a Linux box (virtual machine) with Wowza 3.1.0 build1410. I have 2 network interfaces: eth0 to access Wowza and eth1 to multicast (with multicast and promiscuos mode). The packets reaching Wowza machine. I’m tried wowza on Windows and is the same error.


Hi Jason,

I inserted this route. Nothing.

If I open multicast UDP flow in VLC and re-send in MPEGTS over RTP, it works. But I do not trust in VLC. It’s too unstable.

I’m tried generate a stream in VLC and send to Wowza in UDP. Same error. Very odd.


Jason and Richard,

I’ve resolved this issue.

The problem is the IRD [Cisco D9854]. This device have a lot network configs. Our staff change unknow settings in this IRD and suddenly, the packts run into Wowza.

After this unknow changes, with Jason’s tip [route add], Wowza works fine. Now I can transcode this MPEG_TS, send to Akamai, etc.

Thanks for your help, guys.


hello can you share the cisco config please