Login to Wowza Streaming Server has failed

I followed the instructions provided to me for the similar ticket and still the problem is not solved
My license is correct as per the Server.license
ubuntu@wowza:/usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/conf$ cat Server.license

The license server and i have captured the trace on my laptop wireshark which i can share with you
I as per wireshark trace it I see the response as

REST API Authorization failed when connecting to server: localhost:8087

This is what I see at the UI
my login user and password is correct
I did a dig for one of the licnese server and i get the ip address
Please let me know what could be the issue


Based on the issue you described, it seems that further investigation of your configuration files is necessary to identify the root cause. In order to assist you more effectively, I kindly request you to create a support ticket on the Wowza support platform.

In order to create a ticket you may open a new support request at any time through the Wowza Support portal at https://www.wowza.com/support/open-ticket.

Hi Vijay
Please let me know
What comfoguration files do you need i can provide that
