I have made the setup for using GoCoder SDK in my iOS App. And followed the document to use it as well. But when I am trying to establish the connection it is throwing an error saying “Status is idle.” It displays “Live streaming error. Status idle. an error occurred when trying to connect to host ramp”. Can you please help me out in resolving this?
Technical Streaming Level: Beginner
Timezone: (GMT+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Area: Connection
URL: rtmp://023d03.entrypoint.cloud.wowza.com/app-42e3
Playback Method: Wowza Hosted Player
And also the following information you will be required to review our issue.
- Type of app - A sample app to explore Wowza Streaming network. It just understand how the framework support, so that we can use it in our actual different Project
- Estimated broadcasters - 1
- Estimated Clients - 2
- Latency needs - Low latency
- Player used for playback - Wowza GoCoder
Please have a look on it and do the needful.