I’ve the following setup
On my Origin exists 3 applications
application one
just contains 2 .stream files containing in it accessible content folder :
First .streamFile : rtmp://sameorigin:1935/two/definst/stream100
Second .streamFile : rtmp://sameorigin:1935/three/definst/stream200
application two
gets its own livestream from the Adobe FME pointed to the stream /stream100
application three
gets its own livestream from the Adobe FME, too. Pointed to the stream /stream200
I’ve written a module for Application “one” which creates on onAppStart() 2 Playlists. One to the .streamFile “stream100”, one for .streamFile “stream200”. So per Application two|three an own playlist which item points relativ to the streamfile (regarding the content folder), contains the flag -2 for Livestream and -1 for length.
During the play()-call of the module, depending on some decisions which the plugin takes, it will start playlist for “stream100” or playlist for “stream200”. So far so good. Decisions works great.
But I don’t get any video in my Flashplayer after I start the playlist for a given stream. I’ve called already the .streamFile directly from application “one”, but this will even also present no video.
The Application “one” is configured as (currently I’m just testing with one server, when this works, I will try a orgin - edge,edge,edge Setup)
and Storage is
In this directory stays the 2 .stream files.
I’ve called rtmp://originserver/one/first.stream without success.
The only one I get is
WARN server comment - LiveMediaStreamReceiver.connect: failure
But the original stream from app two or app three works well.
My Playlist created like this (in onAppStart() ):
final Playlist playlistf = new Playlist("stream_first");
playlistf.addItem("/first.stream", -2, -1);
final Playlist playlist2 = new Playlist("stream_second");
playlist2.addItem("/sec.stream", -2, -1);
during play() I do the following :
Playlist pl = isGood ? playlistf : playlist2;
final Stream stream = Stream.createInstance(client.getVHost(), currentApplication.getName(), streamName);
// this.invokePrevious(client, function, params);
Both application two and three are configured as
Is it not possible to stream-repeat application wide?
Can the .stream Files just contain relative streams from the same application?
Ok, I’ve tried something with a diffent flashplayer. If I use
as Server and
as Stream Name, it works. But why do it not work if I write the same URL from the streamName to the .stream File ?
Thanks for reply