I have noticed that utilizing LinkedIn targets within Transcoder often has issues with starting & stopping. If transcoder is started & I add a LinkedIn target it will not publish live on the page until I restart Transcoder entirely.
On the flip side, disabling the LinkedIn target will not end the stream for quite some time (2-5 minutes), on the LinkedIn side it will loop the last 45s - 1min of content prior to disabling the target but still show live. Stopping Transcoder seems to have the “cleanest” end to the stream on the CDN side but this is not ideal if we have other Outputs we want to keep enabled. Any insight into a better handoff to LinkedIn would be much appreciated.
Hello @Dmytro_Gapon, welcome to our community! 
I’m not sure if you watched the video tutorial that was at the top of that Cloud and LinkedIn doc, but it does say we recommend you start the encoder a full 10 seconds before the Cloud transcoder and also stop the encoder 10 seconds before you stop the transcoder. This is because of how the LinkedIN API works in this specific workflow so it’s not a Wowza issue.
Keep in mind this is still a beta workflow and there is no way at this time to avoid the full start and stop of the transcoder. I understand you may have other stream targets and stopping the transcoder may affect other outlets and I will bring it to the attention of the Cloud team to see what can be done as far as the LinkedIn API requirement.