Hi, there everybody is stay in safe?
I have a problem, I want to use html5 service with Wowza streaming engine version 4.x.x
Here is my video file location : http://vod1.dawkorea.com/media/sample.mp4
my instance name is : itemdawkorea_vod
video port : 1935
I tried many times but it’s not working. I can’t see.
My Wowza Player Video
Could you help me? What can I do?
Please remove your player license key from your post. This is considered sensitive information you do not want others to have.
Thank you. But I need answer. 
Hello @cho hyunsu. We are safe thanks so much for asking.
I see that you have Wowza Streaming Engine as 4.X.X. but can you tell me what version of Engine you are using?
Note: Use the Wowza Player that’s integrated with Wowza Streaming Engine Manager in Wowza Streaming Engine 4.6.0 and later for live and VOD applications, and Wowza Streaming Engine 4.7.0 and later for VOD edge applications.
Also, this is the correct path to run the sample mp4 that is included in your default VOD Engine installation:
Are you able to test the Buck Bunny mp4 sample and see play that in Wowza Player? That would be a good test before we try your own content.