thnx for resonding.
in my first post there are 3 players.
player #1 is trying to pull the mp4 video from my wowza server, does not work
player #2 is trying to pull the same mp4 video but instead of wowza I put it on my web server, that works
player #3 is just an mp4 html5 video tag player to make sure that my mp4 works in safari
In my second post:
player #1 is an mp4 hosted on my web server, this player works
player #2 is the same mp4 hosted on the wowza server, it does not work
player #3 is just the same mp4 hosted on the web server but instead of using video.js it is straight html5 video tag.
The problem comes into play when I set the video =
I did so many players and test pages in order to try and track down what the problem really is.
- make sure my mp4 is encoded correctly
by placing the mp4 video on the web server and calling it within just an html5 video enclosure I can find out if the encoding is right. This does work #3 video on both pages works in safari.
- make sure that the player scripts are actually working
I ran 2 separate tests, one with jwplayer html5 fallback and the second is using video.js html5 player with fallback. I keep the mp4 video on the webserver from step #1
This tests returns correct as on jw1.html the second video works just fine in safari, and video #1 on flow1.html also works on safari.
- Now lets test videos from wowza
I add the video to the wowza server and if I use jw1.html player using firefox the player then reverts back to a flash player and it works. This tells me that the video is placed in the proper place on wowza. Everything works as expected
- now lets test the same video on wowza, but instead of a flash player, lets go to html5
All I have to do is open the pages up in safari so that html5 kicks in. This is where the problem comes into play.
Jwplayer will not accept the file for use within html5 fallback
video.js will not accept the file for use within html5 fallback
straight up html5 video will not accept the file
This tells me that something is wrong with that link, where wowza uses a playlist for serving up the html5 .mp4 video
*I do not expect the html5 to work in firefox as mp4 is not supported, hence the fallback to the flash player.
that is why I use safari, because it does support mp4.
I hope this is more clear now. I know that the problem has been nailed down to the playlist problem. I do know that Richard originally setup the server with wowza for me a few years ago. I do know that I paid Andrew to do the last upgrade, and thought it was all working right. I do know that nothing has changed on the server since his last update. I just don’t know why this does not work.
**This is a dedicated colo box, where I do have root access to everything, though I have no idea what to do with anything in there, so I never even try. not a linux guy.
I don’t know how to further troubleshoot the problems, but I believe I have the issue pretty well nailed down now. Just dont know the fix