I want to broadcast my app screen using apple's Replay kit 2 system broadcast. Is it supported by wowza iOS sdk? I didn't find any documentation on how to access wowza sdk in Broadcast extension and upload video buffers?

I want to broadcast my app screen using apple’s Replay kit 2 system broadcast. Is it supported by wowza iOS sdk? I didn’t find any documentation on how to access wowza sdk in Broadcast extension and upload/send video buffers to wowza servers?

No, we do not support this @waqas ali at this time. It is a secure connection only through the SDK encoder to Wowza streaming Engine and Streaming Cloud Servers.

“It is a secure connection only through the SDK encoder to Wowza streaming Engine and Streaming Cloud Servers.”

Can you explain this briefly?

Has this changed as per today or still no support for iOS system broadcast? Isn’t the Wowza SDK supposed to provide a streaming endpoint/encoder to be used with ReplayKit, regardless whether it’s in-app or an broadcast extension?

Also suggested:
// do not process frames if currently ReplayKit bursting rate is too high
**let**`` currentFps = Double(captureInfo.frameCounter) / elapsedTime
**guard**`` currentFps < STREAM_FRAME_RATE ``**else**`` {

Hello Ekhart, we do support this so I will update this thread:

Look at https://github.com/WowzaMediaSystems/gocoder-sdk-samples-ios/blob/master/WowzaGoCoderMP4PlayerSample.swift/MP4PlayerViewController.swift

Find this section, then scroll through the code:

You have to capture from ReplayKit and send it to the GoCoder encoder:

guard let imageBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer)



// send the image buffer to the Wowza encoder self.encoder.videoFrameWasCaptured(imageBuffer, framePresentationTime: CMTime.invalid, frameDuration: CMTime.invalid)

This is great thank you - do you have an example of what you would need to do for audio input also?