RTMP lib for iOS development

Hey everybody. I understand my question is out of topic of current discussions but I want to ask anyway. There is a good community on Wowza forums :slight_smile:

Are there libraries for broadcasting video/audio stream FROM iOS devices to media servers?

I am developing video chat application for iOS and using Wowza as server. I appreciated of support of delivering video to iOS devices, but wondering is there way to broadcast video stream to Wowza?

I am sorry if my question is stupid :confused:

Take a look at the Livu application:



Thanks Richard. But this is already built app. I need in Objective C library. Anyway thank you. At least I know it is possible :slight_smile:


Check the livu blog: http://stevemcfarlin.com/db/

He licenses the code.

Hey, there!

I know of a really good iOS RTMP Streaming Library provided by Stremaxia's OpenSDK. Check it out here: https://www.streamaxia.com/opensdk-ios-rtmp-library/ Works wonders for me! 

Used it once. It was good enough for me!