I want to authenticate rtmp stream with user and password made in source authentication

I have action cameras that can read qr code with rtmp address to stream directly to server.

But, I have to have user authentication so no one will be able to stream to the server without username and password provided.

I know gocoder app uses id and password from source authentication to authenticate.

But, I don’t know how to provide id and password to cameras that only read rtmp address.

I tried below rtmp urls to stream with action camera but none of them worked

rtmp://[ip address]/[live]/[stream name]?[user id]&[user password]

rtmp://[ip address]:[port]/[live]/[stream name]?[user id]&[user password]

rtmp://[user id]:[user password]@[ip address]:[port]/[live]/[stream name]

Please, can anyone give me the url that I can put user created in source authentication page to authenticate?