HLS playback stops in AVPlayerLayer

I trying to play Streaming Cloud’s HLS live stream on the iOS device with AVPlayerLayer (or AVPlayerViewController).

The live streaming works fine in first 40 sec, but it stops with these errors.

 isPlaybackLikelyToKeepUp: false
  CoreMediaErrorDomain(-12312): Media Entry URL not match previous playlist for MEDIA-SEQUENCE 1: u8jsec51/00000000/media_1.ts vs doaa9e4v/00000000/media_1.ts
 ready to play.

Then I use Apple’s mediastreamvalidator to investigate this problem, and I got same errors.

MUST fix issues

Error: Media Entry URL not match previous playlist for MEDIA-SEQUENCE 86: mynam1vf/00000000/media_86.ts vs gkjqzjlh/00000000/media_86.ts
--> Detail:  Line: gkjqzjlh/00000000/media_86.ts
--> Source:  ../../624105/cbbbcd17_1_4128/chunklist.m3u8

--> Detail:  Line: gkjqzjlh/00000000/media_86.ts
--> Source:  ../../624105/cbbbcd17_1_4128/chunklist.m3u8

--> Detail:  Line: gkjqzjlh/00000000/media_86.ts
--> Source:  ../../624105/cbbbcd17_1_4128/chunklist.m3u8

Error: Old codec format (RFC 4281) subelements found. Use format specified by RFC 6381
--> Detail:  Subelements: 77.31
--> Source:  https://wowzaprod105-i.akamaihd.net/hls/live/624105/cbbbcd17/playlist.m3u8
--> Compare: ../../624105/cbbbcd17_1_4128/chunklist.m3u8

--> Detail:  Subelements: 77.31
--> Source:  https://wowzaprod105-i.akamaihd.net/hls/live/624105/cbbbcd17/playlist.m3u8
--> Compare: ../../624105/cbbbcd17_1_4128/chunklist.m3u8

--> Detail:  Subelements: 77.31
--> Source:  https://wowzaprod105-i.akamaihd.net/hls/live/624105/cbbbcd17/playlist.m3u8
--> Compare: ../../624105/cbbbcd17_1_4128/chunklist.m3u8

After this, I found these Q&A in this forum. It might looks same as I encontered, but these solutions are for Streaming Engine.




I want to ask these solution works in Streaming Clouds, and how can I do that.

Hello @Toshitaka Nakagawa,

Are you seeing any issues with the source stream or stream target where it loses the connection to Wowza Cloud and then reconnects?

What is your source stream for Wowza Cloud stream?

Please make sure that you are following our recommendation for encoding the stream:



Wowza Support

Alex C