Hello Wowza,
Im currently dealing with mobile playback on live stream, i’ve got it working before but when i came back and check i have problem with dealing with it now,
usually before when i got to this sample URL : http://live.example.com/live/myStream/playlist.m3u8 i can download the playlist.m3u8 file but now it just shows me empty page
here is the example working url that im talking about where you can download the playlist.m3u8:
So the playlist downloaded for me, and the stream is working in the iOS example player that ships with Wowza. I am not seeing a problem, nor do I know what question you are asking?
Kind regards,
I’m not sure if the stream is still running but I’m unable to play it using VLC player with RTMP, RTSP or Apple HLS.
As Salvadore mentioned, the stream must be H.264 video and either MP3 or AAC audio to play using an Apple iOS device.
If you’re unable to get this working after checking the codec information to see if it’s compatible, please open a ticket by sending an email to support@wowza.com.
When creating a ticket, please include a ZIP file containing the following directories:
[Wowza-Install]/transcoder/ (if required)
Please make sure you provide logs which show Wowza server starting.
If you are not sure how to get this information please see the following tutorial
How to create a compressed zip file in Windows, OS X, and Linux
If you have a live stream please outline the type of encoder in use along with the encoding settings for the stream.
It looks like it might be an issue with the live stream.
I was able to play and download a playlist.m3u8 for the sample.mp4 file from the vod application on this server:
When entering the URL in a browser window, the window stays blank, and a prompt to download the file will pop up. But this did not happen for the live stream.
Also, I get this error when trying to play the live stream in the iOS Live example player:
“The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.”
Be sure the stream is actually published, and that it is h.264 video and AAC audio
Hello Salvadore,
yeah sample url is working :), i took it from JWPLAYER page, what i mean is i cant get it work on our end, http://stream.connectcast.tv:1935/live/CC-D7336150-6A7B-05F3-26DF-D355816D0B84-2/playlist.m3u8
Hello Salvadore,
Sorry i did just closed the stream but i started it back, still got same result, i can only see blank white page