Dear All,
Any support will be very appreciate on this issue we encounter during our wowza architecture deployment.
We have deployed 4 servers on independent hardware for this configuration.
2 are set-up as origin
2 are set-up as edge
Our encoders push the live mp4/h264 streaming on the origin who make it available to the client by requesting a second application also hosted on the origin to return the netconnection address of the best edge available.
To be fully redundant, we need to be able to configure the player to use a load-balancing feature to try to connect to the second origin server in car the first is no more available. Randomly or in sequence - it’s same at this point.
We decide to work with flowplayer, the latest release available at this date on the flowplayer website.
We tested different configuration to be sure the system is working nice and the configuration is correct.
encoder (live) -> origin <- player : OK
encoder (live) -> origin -> edge <- player : OK
encoder (live) -> origin -> edge | origin:redirect <- player : OK
The problem occur when we tried to add load balancing and/or cluster functions in flowplayer.
This is our integration code :
<a href="#" style="display:block;width:480px;height:360px" id="player"> </a> <script type="text/javascript"> flowplayer("player", "../flowplayer-3.2.7.swf",{ clip: { url: 'mp4:RoomA_Floor', provider: 'rtmp', connectionProvider: 'clustering', live: true }, plugins: { rtmp: { url: '../flowplayer.rtmp-3.2.3.swf' }, clustering: { url: '../flowplayer.cluster-3.2.3.swf', netConnectionUrl: '', hosts: [ {host:'rtmp://<origin_1>:1935/redirect'}, {host:'rtmp://<origin_2>:1935/redirect'}] } } } ); </script>
The player look to be not able with this configuration to correctly handle the redirect on the netconection. He try to connect the first origin, and few seconds after, the second and nothing append.
If someone could provide us some assistance, at this point we are not able to find a workaround on the wowza forum & flowplayer documentation/forum.
If you need any further informations, feel free to post.
Thank you in advance,