Hello All,
I am having some trouble play certain formats in wowza. I am trying to play the MPEG-DASH format but keep getting this error: The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Or it will say playing and never will play
If this is still a problem, and you haven’t already, open a support ticket by writing to support@wowza.com. First re-start Wowza, start the live stream and test playback, the zip up /conf folder and current access log showing re-start and tests to support@wowza.com
Is this live or vod?
Do you have a public link you can provide to your stream, so that we can observe this first hand?
Is this live or vod?
Do you have a public link you can provide to your stream, so that we can observe this first hand?
Its live. Sorry, I can’t provide a link due to government restrictions.